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ther allergy-related cells such as eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes and mediates chemotaxis of these cells toward PGD2.74 Genetic alteration of CRTH2 is related to allergic asthma in African-Americans.75 In Korean subjects, two PTK/ZK polymorphisms were significantly different between AIA and ATA patients. The -466T allele exhibits higher eotaxin-2 production in human lung epithelial cells, indicating that this polymorphism increases serum and cellular eotaxin-2 production in AERD patients through lowered GRP44 expression, leading to eosinophilic infiltration.76 PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR-ACTIVATED RECEPTORGAMMA. PPARs are transcription factors activated by ligands of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. Three different PPAR subtypes have been identified: PPAR, PPAR, and PPAR, which is also called PPAR. A variety of natural substances, including arachidonate pathway metabolites such as 15-hydroxyeicosatetranoic acid, strongly promote PPARG expression. Stimulation of the PPARG ligand significantly inhibited the downregulation of eosinophil function.77 PPARG expression is associated with the inflammatory and PubMed ID: remodeling responses in the asthmatic airway. Additionally, levels of proinflammatory, immune cytokines and chemokines, including IL2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, GM-CSF, and eotaxin are increased in the airways and systemic circulation in AIA.78 The production of these molecules is regulated by various transcription factors, including PPARG. PPARG gene polymorphisms are associated with risk of asthma exacerbation in Caucasian populations.79 In Korean subjects, rs3856806 and haplotype 1 .80 Vesicle trafficking, solute transfer, and ion channels KINESIN FAMILY MEMBER 3A: KIF3A encodes a motor subunit of kinesin-2, an important component for cilia formation, and plays a crucial role in the generation and functioning of cilia. In the case of BardetBiedl syndrome, which includes an increased incidence of asthma, abnormal functions of cilia have been discovered.81 Differential expression of KIF3A is present in nasal epithelial cells of exacerbated asthmatics and normal controls, and KIF3A polymorphisms are significantly associated with asthma.82 KIF3A mRNA level is increased in aspirin-induced bronchial epithelial cells and protein expression is also up-regulated in nasal polyp epithelia in AIA patients.83 CysLTD4, a key mediator in AIA, can affect ciliary activity and orientation. Interestingly, the IL-4 gene has a strong LD with KIF3A in the same LD block.83 Aspirin also regulates IL4 expression in an allele-specific manner by altering the availability of transcription factors to the key regulatory elements in the IL4 promoter, leading to aspirin hypersensitivity.48 Another explanation for the association between KIF3A and aspirin hypersensitivity in asthma may be over-production of CysLTs by cyclooxygenase inhibition through constrained -catenin-dependent Wnt signaling derived from a KIF3A abnormality.84 This stabilization of -catenin may lead to NF-B activation, which also plays a crucial role in immune responses, resulting in the activation of target effectors, such as COX-2. Of a total of 22 SNPs in introns and five haplotypes, several SNPs were significantly associated with AIA. The KIF3A ht3 haplotype, which is unique to most of the minor alleles, showed the most significant association with AIA. Several KIF3A isoforms derived from alternative splicing events in intron 9 have been observed; thus, it is possible that the rs3798130 in i

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Author: Sodium channel